753约瑟夫是一位热情的嘻哈舞者,他拒绝和父亲一起去巴黎碰碰运气。他和他的女友艾玛和最好的朋友卡里姆一起,加入了著名的打破者尤里(Yuri)的巴黎剧组,试图赢得一场国际嘻哈比赛。但在选秀的那天,一切都没有如预期的那样发生:约瑟夫被艾玛和尤里出卖了,这个群体爆发了。约瑟夫是前明 星舞蹈家雷米(Remi)的收 -
193This is a story of a young man named Kenny Stanford who had dreams of being an Successful artist in the music industry, but these dreams were cut shor -
大学女生的性生活 第二季
543It’s a new trimester for the suitemates – Kimberly, Bela, Whitney, and Leighton – which means the girls have to navigate new experiences and challenge -
376生活在以色列的巴勒斯坦男子萨拉赫不幸失去幼子奥马尔,按习俗要带子回乡安葬。天气炎热,萨拉赫为了能尽快回乡,决定用一只行李袋包裹幼子穿越边境。然而巴以边境正在实施严格的军事管制,他的旅途因此变得异常艰难。米莉是一位怀孕的单身女性,在商场工作时遇到了萨拉赫。了解这位父亲的困难后,米莉决定尽其所能地帮助他 -
507Following a horrific accident, a woman voluntarily becomes a test subject to an artificial intelligence designed to rehabilitate her. In a world depen